Summer Improvisation Intensive – 2 Week
Berlin, Germany
In this 10-day training, you will work 4-5 hours a day, five days a week, for two weeks, developing the practice of improvisation and performance. You will work with movement, voice and language scores as well as combinations. The work is physical, stemming from the body experience. The training helps you expand your physical forms and inhabit those forms with humanity. You learn to free the feelings within your body and express them in artistic ways. Exercises help establish the balance between inner and outer awareness. They specifically limit areas of action and response so that you open to the unknown, break free of fear and embrace the unfamiliar. Each day will include 3-hour practice sessions and 30 – 60 minutes of performing with personalized critique and direction as to how to improve one’s performance skills. The course concludes with a public performance.
Action Theater™ is an improvisational body-based training process. Its focus is on becoming aware of your body experience while simultaneously tracking your mental process. Through the practice of working solo and with partners, you develop a better understanding of composition, the use of space and ensemble architecture. Action Theater™ includes vocal work, language and movement.
Monday – Friday • 10-17
w/ closing performance
Registration & Information
Tel: 160 106 2309