Sten Rudstrøm started his educational career with a B.S. in Chemistry/Mathematics at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, 1982. In his graduate work, he found himself boxed for hours on end in a windowless room spinning unknown samples in multi-thousand dollar NMR machine. At this point in his life, he realized that he wanted to work with people. He travelled around Europe for 3.5 years trying to find himself, during which he witnessed a Canadian performance poetry duet in a small Berlin café. It seemed to him that the only difference between the performers and himself was that the performers were on stage. This epiphany triggered an arts education. He received a M.F.A.Fine Art/Performance from the California Institute of the Arts, Los Angeles, CA., 1989, then went on to complete a M.F.A Creative Writing/Poetry from The Naropa University, Boulder, CO., 1991. In 1986, he met Ruth Zaporah, developer of Action Theater™ and has continued to work with Action Theater™ and other forms of improvisation since that time. He teaches regularly internationally and is known to be inspiring, compassionate and challenging. Regularly students have told him that Action Theater™ work could apply directly to their own work environment.