Fooling Time — Performance Tactics

FOOLING TIME — PERFORMANCE TACTICS is a 2 week intensive instant composition ensemble performance workshop.

In this 10 day Action Theater training, you polish the practice of spontaneous improvisation performance. You learn how to start from nothing but awareness to craft articulate, elaborate and stunning performances. You  compose in solo and groups, support & enhance your partners’ work and add punch to the ensemble choreography. Reconnecting with your body/mind you enter fresh, imaginal worlds, and learn how to get your sense of self out of the way in order to contribute to the on-going liveliness of each improvisation. Entrance and exit tactics arise; how to generate the most impact spatially — where to stop moving, when to change body level, shape & facing — whether to shift frames or not; copying, bulking & shadowing variations clarify.
Each day includes 4-5 hour practice sessions and 30 – 60 minutes of performing with personalized critique and direction. You investigate movement, sound and language scores as well as combinations of the media. The work includes detailed examination of three modes of change: shift, transform and develop. Essential tools for clarity & commitment on stage and sharp performances.

The course concludes with a public performance.

Experienced performers only. Please send an email stating your motivation and a few sentences about your performance and improvisation experience to