Taking Space & Giving Time
The collaboration between players inside of an improvisation is often a great challenge, yet the very place for a growth. Our job is improvisers is to make our partners material work, not to doubt it, but rather advance it, enhance with our own additions. This workshop focuses on the “how” of improving the growth of the improvisation. Every moment is a great opportunity to say “yes.” How do I let go of what I think is “right” and join my partner(s)? When should I take space? How can I get out of the way of the improvisation?
Exercises that point towards collaboration between partners bring you closer, deeper into creating improvisations that rocket from previously stagnation into stellar displays of humanness.
Some topics included:
Collaborative frame development
Adding the next piece of music
Facing, placing & shape
Relocating to strengthen the scene
Bulking & shadowing
Adding onto, repeating or associating material